
Showing posts from September, 2020

iExamen 1

  Caitlin Dempsey EN-101-17 iExamen 1 September 27, 2020 I always have my phone on me, but I never realized how much I go on it. As much as I hate to admit it, I am one of those people who checks their phone first thing in the morning and right as they go to sleep. I woke up on Saturday morning and grabbed my phone to check the time. I then looked at my text messages, snapchats, and other social media accounts to see what I “missed” while I was asleep. I then continued my morning routine and went to get my coffee to wake up. I usually am not a morning person, so I don’t answer any texts or snapchats and remain relatively quiet until my “brain wakes up” after my coffee. Once I get myself together, I start to answer people and get on with my day.  I would say I use snapchat for my main form of communication with my friends. I don’t necessarily have a conversation with all of my “streaks” every day, but I do receive a picture from them daily. It helps me see what my friends are doing and


  I learned a lot about the way I communicate while doing this exercise on Sunday. Even though I didn’t have a lot of interaction on Sunday, I still learned a lot.  With my parents away for the day, I was in charge of my brothers. The first thing I noticed was how I don’t like to have to boss people around and be responsible for them. I had to make sure they were awake and ready for church. This was an annoyance to me since I’m not used to this responsibility. I also noticed through my brother's body language that they did not want to go church and would’ve rather still been in bed. This told me, I’m used to a certain type of communication, and when I have to change, it annoys me. Later, I drove for doordash to make some money. Each restaurant I entered to pick up an order, I would say the same thing, “Hey, I’m here for a doordash order.” Then I would try to grab it and get moving as quickly as possible. When I am busy and trying to get things done, I communicate quickly and ef

iExamen 1

  Overall, before this assignment was given to us I personally have been trying to take time to enjoy the simple things in life and try to put my phone down as much as possible because of how much time I spend on both my computer and phone. This being said, I was excited to really be present and observe myself and how I interact with others. I choose to do this Sunday because as much as I used to dread the end of the week, Sunday’s have become my favorite day. The minute I woke up yesterday, I went for a bike ride with two friends from work and I didn’t have my phone at all. When I was riding my bike I seemed to be real meaningful conversations with my friends. We were able to go unplug for a little and actually communicate while enjoying the scenery around us. Later on in the day, I went to the beach and I turned my phone off and I realized that I texted my parents letting them know that I was planning on turning off my phone for an hour. Looking back on this , it is crazy to me that

iExamen 1

  Danilo Seglio – iExamen 1   My first thoughts knowing about the purpose of this assignment were that it would be a little difficult because the world we live in provides us so many opportunities to use technology in many ways. The excessive amount of ways, sometimes, makes us get too caught up with them. On the other hand, I had a feeling that this experience would be worth it at the end because while doing it, I realized that being away from any source of technology makes you appreciate more the little things in life. At first, I tried to pay attention to people, and how through different ways such as clothing choices, clothing colors can demonstrate their emotions and mood for the day. Additionally, I also noticed that when people communicate, the use of gestures and facial expressions are very present in conversations and I could sense that some people must do that in order to communicate better. Furthering more with this experience, besides focusing on other people, I saw t

iExamen 1

               Every day, we communicate with numerous people without thinking twice about those interactions. With modern technological advancements, we can easily contact and communicate with hundreds of people per day. After completing my day of observation for the iExamen 1 assignment, I have become more aware of my interactions with other people throughout my daily routine. At first, I did not think I would successfully observe myself and others enough, however, I surprisingly gathered very interesting information about the way I communicate with myself, my family, and my friends.             The day that I chose to dedicate to self-observation was Saturday (September 26). I woke up to multiple alarms throughout the early morning, but I decided to snooze them all until noon because I have not been getting much sleep during the week. When I woke up, I was still exhausted and, therefore, in a bad mood. I went downstairs to where the rest of my family was, and they greeted me very en

iExamen 1

     I do not typically focus on how I communicate since It has become a custom for me. I have almost accustomed so much it is difficult to pick up. Therefore, this activity was enlightening and entertaining for me to say the least. There are various ways in which we as humans communicate with each other, and as society develops, new forms of communication will generate. Personally, the most common forms of communication I utilize are technological or physical communication that refers to my body language and facial expression. For verbal communication, how I started conversations/responded or ways in which I formed my sentences were what I concentrated on.      I realized I am in constant use of code-switching as a form of verbal communication. However, when compared to when I am in school it not as obvious.   I noticed when talking to others outside of my family, there is a distinction between my delivery with my parents vs with my sisters. This correlated to my physical communicat

iExamen 1

 I decided to do my self-analysis on Saturday to see if I am going to notice anything particular with the way I communicate with people. It was a little bit different because I was not in town. I spent this weekend with my family and friends. In the morning, I got up at seven o'clock and stayed in bed for a quarter of an hour in the dark before getting up, to make the night last. Normally, every morning, I follow the same routine: I start by washing his face before taking a shower.   Doing this self-analysis made me realized that there are some areas in my life that I need to improve while communicating with others. There was a lot that I did not say, only because it was critical in away. I noticed that I maintained good eye contact when I was interested. I also was more engaged with face to face, I listened more and was able to interpret their reaction, which I usually unable to get through text messages or emails. Another thing I notice is that my non-verbal communication skills

Examen 1

Ainsley Jodlbauer      Going into this exercise I already had a pretty good idea of the outcome I would have, this being because I am a very observant individual as is. I’m very aware of others body language, tone, clothing etc on a daily basis, and also notice any slight shift someone may have. However, this isn’t with everyone I walk by or have a conversation with; only the people I'm close with. I realized that while I did this to others I rarely paid attention to my own forms of communication, so I was excited to take a closer look into what I do when being with others.  Throughout my day (Saturday) my main form of communication with others was face-to-face, with some texting and snapchatting here and there. I spend my weekends with my friends and don’t actually go home until Sunday, so all of Saturday was communication 24/7. What’s being said through us all being together and talking is thousands of things, however our main things usually involve stories and sharing similar

Lauren Bailey iExamen 1

            I chose to conduct my self-analysis and evaluation on Saturday. To say that it was an interesting day is an understatement. I was surprised by how much self-control it took to do this assignment. I learned that detailed self-awareness is a skill that is 1) hard to learn and 2) a skill that ought to be learned and exercised regularly.               I learned that I have a very unique perspective. I work at a very high-end and well-known jewelry store in Annapolis. Throughout the day, I realized how much of human interaction and connection stems from non-verbal cues and communication. From the start of my day and the time I got out of bed to get dressed, I realized that I sub-consciously prepared myself for the day thinking about how other people will respond to me. For example, I have found through working, that people will respect me more if I am dressed in a more classic and conservative way. I always try to speak in an articulate and clear manner; however, that is only am

iexamin 1

 Gia Mercatili Saturday September 26th      I wake up around 8 AM per usual because most of the time I tend to wake up earlier than others. Even though I do wake up early I ended up just staying in bed til around 10:30 watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, looking at way too many Tik Toks, and FaceTiming my best friend Kaylin. After all that I decided to take a shower which usually takes way too long because singing in the shower is so much fun. At around 11:15ish I was done showering and got ready for my very exciting and eventful day. I knew that this day would be fun because I was gonna go shopping with a few of my friends.      By noon I had been on FaceTime with Kaylin again deciding which outfit to wear. Its kinda funny that we always choose the same outfits. I ended up wearing what we both had picked out. Yay!! My mom had called me downstairs to do some chores before leaving the house. They weren't too bad but still I was way more excited to go shopping.      After all cho

iExamen - Leonidas Tsirigotis

 Saturday September 27th I woke up to my alarm at 7:30 am. My alarm is an Alexa and I kept snoozing it until 8:00. At 8:00, I got out of bed, changed into workout clothes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. At 8:15, I walk out of my house and begin my run with my headphones in. I complete a 2 mile in 14 minutes and 15 seconds, which I was surprised about considering I thought I would have a harder time because of my drowsiness from staying up and playing video games the night before. If I remember correctly, I did not stop playing online games with my friends until 1:30 am. From 8:30 to 9, I showered and went to the kitchen for dinner. I had an egg omelet with ham, feta, asparagus and old bay hot sauce. At this point, I have not communicated with anyone yet. My father went to work, my sisters are still sleeping and my mother went to my grandmother's house to take care of her. It was just me and my dog, Cleopatra, who kept following me around. I petted her once in a while. 

iexamen 1

With the increasing advancements in technology, people today  can-do  extraordinary things that were not able to be done in the past.  This could include  having any answer in the matter of seconds, communicating instantly with someone on the other side of the world, and even watching act ivity going on everywhere. With this changing of technology people change too. The internet can let someone hide  behind a false persona whether its positive or negative. And with this power we must learn to use it wisely.    Some people don’t like communicating over the internet and would rather face to face to get their body language. In a way I  agree yet I also disagree because there is a uniqueness to how everyone communicates. One way to tell is someone is sarcastic is in hearing their tone of voic e. But over texts you cannot hear whether the person is sarcastic or not.  Since I am a very sarcastic person when I text, I use emojis that communicate sarcasm like the one rolling its eyes. Now me u

iExamine 1

Raven Taliaferro English 101 07 Professor Ellis 28 September 2020   iExamine 1   During my hour of no technology I decided to do things that I enjoy doing but normally say that I don’t have time to do. I like reading poetry and coloring so I did those two things in my hour. I really like reading poetry because it takes you into a different persons perspective and challenges you to see the world through someone else’s eyes. Coloring was always a coping mechanism for me to handle anxiety or depression. I usually color digitally whenever I had time but this time I used a coloring book and markers. I noticed that using the actual materials instead of doing it digitally has a different feeling. Ironically it feels like a newer exercise to actually hold a marker and color, even though for a long time, that was the only way to color. I noticed that I chose activities that I can do alone, and that I value the time that I get to be alone with myself and mentally relax. Going into this exercise

Soto - Leonidas Tsirigotis

 In terms of the poem, I really enjoyed the hard working theme of sacrifice. As I said before, reading the poem gives me a humbled feeling. No matter how hard things seem, someone will always have it harder than you and someone is sacrificing more than you. It motivates you to get on their level and be the best you can be.  The poem reminds me of my grandparents, who left 6th grade to go into the farming industry in Greece. Then my grandfather's got conscripted to join the Hellenic Navy and had a hard life afterwards. And yet, they still managed to come to America, sacrifice so much blood, sweat, and tears, not for them, but for me and my parents. That is where the poem hits me, it is the connections made of an overall theme of selfless sacrifice.

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

  The poem   When I consider how I spent my light , shares the story of Milton Lament and how his life was during the process of him going blind. He turns to god throughout his life and when he did start to lose his eyesight and how he felt when the world was dark. While reading this I tried to put myself in the author’s shoes and tried to imagine what my life would be like if one day I just lost my vision. He looks to god for help and to guide him through life. On a separate note, after reading the   Red Palm   poem it really made me think about slavery. The poem used a lot of imagery and descriptive language that made the reader feel like they were in the poem itself. It talks about the hard work that he put in each day to make a living for his family. The pain and the heat that he endures each day while working in the fields. It is clear that the author shows his regrets and he how is now hard on himself because he wished that he had worked harder to get an education so then he woul

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

  Carine King Milton wrote about not being able to reach "half of his life", yet he is becoming blind while he still a lot more work to do. The light represents the life spent and is forced to live a life of darkness caused by his blindness. Milton passionately describes the inner debate sparked by his feelings of not being productive, as his faith redeems him. The world talent here is used metaphorically is at the center of the reflection to express the loss of his writing ability.  Gary Soto in "Red Palm" uses a lot of metaphors like "Dust settles on your forehead, dirt Smiles under each fingernail." This poem starts with a farmer working hard at a cotton plant. Talks about how the farmer was a fool when he was young and dropped out. As a farmer, he was making just enough to meet his needs. His failure at school pushed him to work harder as a farmer each day. Kolvenbach talks about commitment to the service of faith and promoting justice in America

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach (Blog post #2)

  I think that the Kolvenbach reading relates to what is happening in the world today relating to the racial social justice movements. The expression stated in the reading “the service of faith and the promotion of justice” is a necessary belief  that should be upheld by all, including the Jesuits. In the past year we have seen a lot of injustice all through the country. It is the year 2020 and many still face unfair and discriminatory treatment because of their race, gender, and or religion. When speaking about the promotion of justice the article details that the Congregation used the word “promotion” because of its connotation of a well-planned strategy to make the world just and that the Society of Jesus is dedicated to the promotion of justice as a concrete and radical but proportionate response to an unjustly suffering world. Like we have seen  thought the year many black people have been killed in many unjust ways which has caused turmoil thought the nation because of the lack

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

  Caitlin Dempsey In the all three pieces of writing by Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach the common theme is what a person’s purpose of life is. In all three texts we get very different idea of what this could be. In John Milton’s work, “When I consider how my light is spent”, it how he continues to worship God after being blinded. In “A Red Palm”, by Gary Soto, the purpose of life is to work hard to provide for his family. Finally, Kolvenbachs work focuses on living out Jesuit values and making the world a better place.              In “When I consider how my light is spent”, the man is blinded and is trying to figure out his purpose of life now that he cannot see. The man felt that since he was blind, he had no purpose in life anymore. He felt that since he couldn’t connect with God in the ways he had before, God had no use for him. However, he learns that God still values him because he stayed with his faith. In this text, the mans purpose of life was to have a relationship with God.  I

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

  Raven Taliaferro English 101 17 Professor Ellis  23 September 2020   Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach       Have you ever wanted to drop out of school? In the U.S, the overall dropout rate for undergraduate college students is 40%. While 30% of college freshman drop out before their sophomore year. While financial hardship is a popular reason why students may choose to leave, mental strength and perseverance is usually to blame. If students learned how to peruse their goals and be mentally strong early on, then they would have the tools to succeed in their future. Passion and self motivation is the most important skill in life and should be taught in schools. Gary Soto himself did not excel in high school, but discovered works of poetry that empowered him to peruse english in collage. He saw an opportunity for him to follow his passion, and he did. Soto’s poem “A Red Palm” is about a man who did not take his education seriously and now is stuck struggling to provide for his family. Life

Milton & soto / Kolvenbach

  Gia Mercatili ENG 101 Dr. Ellis September 23, 2020                                                                                                                 Analysis of Milton & Soto / Kolvenbach                 When I first read these three works I was a little bit confused  with just what they were trying to get across to the reader. As I continued to read them a few more times the messages became a little more clear. I am not completely sure with what I was supposed to take away from reading those three works but  it does make you think. I feel that they each discussed different topics in unique ways that gets you thinking.           Reading Miltons "When I C onsider How My Light Is Spent" I kinda got this dark and sad feeling to it. He even says, " Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide lodged with me useless".  I believe that he feels like he is useless in the world ever since he lost his sight and

Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

Danilo Seglio   After completing the readings from Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach, I was able to identify some similarities that all three of them share and connect to each other. The first reading was from Milton, called “When I consider how my light is spent” which is a poem that tells a story of a man that for some reason becomes blind in his life. Becoming blind was not an easy thing for the man because he could not see himself valuable anymore to God for being blind, and physically not able to work for God. When I come to think about God and us, I truly believe that God has made us on this earth and has already given us a purpose which sometimes we cannot comprehend or understand why. In the poem, the same thing is kind of stated to me, the blinded man can still serve God with his patience and faith because “They also serve who only stand and wait” so, this means that the man does not need to worry about hard work anymore because those who believe and are faithful are also compe