Examen 1

Ainsley Jodlbauer

    Going into this exercise I already had a pretty good idea of the outcome I would have, this being because I am a very observant individual as is. I’m very aware of others body language, tone, clothing etc on a daily basis, and also notice any slight shift someone may have. However, this isn’t with everyone I walk by or have a conversation with; only the people I'm close with. I realized that while I did this to others I rarely paid attention to my own forms of communication, so I was excited to take a closer look into what I do when being with others. 

Throughout my day (Saturday) my main form of communication with others was face-to-face, with some texting and snapchatting here and there. I spend my weekends with my friends and don’t actually go home until Sunday, so all of Saturday was communication 24/7. What’s being said through us all being together and talking is thousands of things, however our main things usually involve stories and sharing similar ideas and thoughts about topics. Something that I realized from this exercise however was how much we all care for one another, always checking to see if someone needs something and inviting people to places others may be going. I felt as though our communication was one in which we all become more connected to each other. I could see this not only through words, but also through people's body language. We’re all very close, I wouldn’t say “touchy” but we also have no definition of personal space, because we don’t need it.

This fell along the lines of what was not said. As a group we have things that haven’t ever been said and yet are just known. Such as who sleeps where or who goes into what car, I honestly don’t know why this is, but I never noticed until now. Same goes with trusting one another. There isn’t ever a time where someone has had to ask another about trust; that bond is simply there. 

Us being all together in one room is the best “format” for easy communication. This is because when it comes to texting or snapchat we really are not the best at making plans. People either don’t answer, misunderstand something, or read messages wrong and get the wrong idea. I felt as though talking with them face-to-face is the best method for a solid communication. Since we are all so close I also feel as if there is nothing that someone can’t say. Our relationship as one is strong, and with this comes the ability to speak freely without the fear of saying something wrong. 

Paying attention to myself throughout the day was kind of hard, because I’m always observing others so much that it takes extra thought to notice myself. I found that I am very comfortable and confident when communicating with them. Noticing when I decide what to wear there's no second thought of “what if they don’t like it”, since none of us care. My mood also brightens when we’re all laughing and having fun, and I find myself sharing and talking more when others are doing the same. The way I am around them is my complete self, and this exercise made me realize how special a relationship like that is. 

For the hour of the day with no phone (I chose from 7pm-8pm) there wasn’t anything that really surprised me. I’m not someone on their phone often when I’m hanging out with others, and I actually tend to lose my phone often. The main thing I noticed was that during times when we weren't doing something I couldn’t take it out and subconsciously browse as a distraction. I communicate with those around me the same whether technology is there or not; when around others, even if they aren’t people I'm close with, I don’t tend to pull out my phone. Going back after not being on my phone it actually ended up being about three hours, and as I looked through social media or read texts I realized the difference in closeness that was felt compared to those I was with. I feel as though technology creates a disconnect between others since you can’t read their facial expressions or hear their voice. I also noticed how little I care about my social media, since when opening snapchats I don’t even bother to actually know what I'm looking at. I open it to make the little red number go away.

I’m really glad I got to be a part of this experiment because it made me realize how important and special my relationship is with those close to me. I’m glad to know that I have people in my life that I can trust with anything, and I hope that everyone gets to experience that. 


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