Milton, Soto, and Kolvenbach

 The poem When I consider how I spent my light, shares the story of Milton Lament and how his life was during the process of him going blind. He turns to god throughout his life and when he did start to lose his eyesight and how he felt when the world was dark. While reading this I tried to put myself in the author’s shoes and tried to imagine what my life would be like if one day I just lost my vision. He looks to god for help and to guide him through life. On a separate note, after reading the Red Palm poem it really made me think about slavery. The poem used a lot of imagery and descriptive language that made the reader feel like they were in the poem itself. It talks about the hard work that he put in each day to make a living for his family. The pain and the heat that he endures each day while working in the fields. It is clear that the author shows his regrets and he how is now hard on himself because he wished that he had worked harder to get an education so then he wouldn’t have the life that he has now. To tie in ideas from both poems, the last reading by Kolvenbach, discusses the importance of education. Not only education, but in more broader terms Kolvenbach talks about the importance of justice and giving back. The Jesuits main goal is the “promotion of justice” and this is taught throughout ones education. Both poems talked about two people trying to find their purpose in the world and one turned to god for help while the other wish he had taken advantage of the education that he was given so he could live a more fulfilled life. The Jesuit goals tie these two ideas together to show the importance of higher education and how you can look to god to lead you through this. 


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