iExamen 1

 Overall, before this assignment was given to us I personally have been trying to take time to enjoy the simple things in life and try to put my phone down as much as possible because of how much time I spend on both my computer and phone. This being said, I was excited to really be present and observe myself and how I interact with others. I choose to do this Sunday because as much as I used to dread the end of the week, Sunday’s have become my favorite day. The minute I woke up yesterday, I went for a bike ride with two friends from work and I didn’t have my phone at all. When I was riding my bike I seemed to be real meaningful conversations with my friends. We were able to go unplug for a little and actually communicate while enjoying the scenery around us. Later on in the day, I went to the beach and I turned my phone off and I realized that I texted my parents letting them know that I was planning on turning off my phone for an hour. Looking back on this , it is crazy to me that I had to let my parents know that I wouldn’t be available. In this day, that is just how our society works. It seems that everybody constantly needs to know what everybody else is doing and is just assumes that everybody is available at all times. Another thing I noticed is that even though I had my phone turned off, my friend was still on hers and wasn’t completely engaged. We both agreed that we should jump in the ocean because it was something spontaneous to do and it was honestly one of the best parts of my day. It was about 10-15 where we were both just enjoying each others company and we had a lot of fun. We weren’t focused on anything else but just having fun and being in the ocean. I felt so apart of everything, being in the ocean made me really live in the moment and take in everything for what it was. Following this good time, I realized that I originally felt the urge to grab my phone and take a picture of my friend and I after we had jumped in the ocean. This made me think again about the fact that after you do something fun, you get a constant urge to take a picture or to share it with people to show them what you are doing. I personally wish that I took the time more to just put my phone completely away and be 100% present in the moment without feeling like I have to take a picture or video. Overall, I really enjoyed doing this and when I put my phone away it was interesting to observe others when they were on their phone. Someone may say that they are present while they are on the phone, but after putting my phone down and watching others I realized that you are not completely engaged if your attention is somewhere else. Last night, my sister had her birthday party and I noticed how much everybody was on their phones. All their eyes were glued to the screens and they really weren’t talking with each other or if they were it was about something on their phones. The more I put my phone away and observed others and myself I realized that when you are constantly glued to your phone you are missing out on so many little things. Our world is so reliant on their technology and many feel that they are missing out if they don’t keep up with what others are doing. This made me take a step back and realize that detaching and making it known to others that you aren’t always available is actually a good thing. For the future, I would like to take more time out of my day to take breaks from my phone and really try to observe the world around me. Lastly, in person you talk so much about little things that you may not realize are important. I felt that all my conversations that I had in person with people and the time I spent with people yesterday made me feel better than when I was texting or snapchatting somebody. I really enjoy being with people and having conversations vs what I feel are pointless ones over a phone. 


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