iexamen 1

With the increasing advancements in technology, people today can-do extraordinary things that were not able to be done in the past. This could include having any answer in the matter of seconds, communicating instantly with someone on the other side of the world, and even watching activity going on everywhere. With this changing of technology people change too. The internet can let someone hide behind a false persona whether its positive or negative. And with this power we must learn to use it wisely.  

Some people don’t like communicating over the internet and would rather face to face to get their body language. In a way I agree yet I also disagree because there is a uniqueness to how everyone communicates. One way to tell is someone is sarcastic is in hearing their tone of voice. But over texts you cannot hear whether the person is sarcastic or not. Since I am a very sarcastic person when I text, I use emojis that communicate sarcasm like the one rolling its eyes. Now me using that emoji whenever I use sarcasm is my unique body language letting the other person know what I am conveying. Keep in mind though this is talking with friends, so they know how I text. Another example is that when I am sad and text, I make sure to not capitalize any letters. These ways of modifying how I communicate with others is my “body language” in the virtual world. I think it is unique and cool how each person has a style or way they talk over the internet or online. 

When taking a break and watching everyone else communicate and use technology there is a strong division between generations. This new generation grew up with this technology around them, meanwhile the older someone is, the less technology they had. So sometimes the older generations are stubborn about this change. They would like to blame everything negative on the new changing technology. When in some cases this is wrong. While at work I was watching people eat at tables while I bartended. I noticed mostly younger couples or friends on their phones when sitting. While older people were communicating and talking without their phones or even with them out on the table. This to me shows the divide between generations, different style and traditions growing up. 

With all this technology surrounding us I still believe it is important to not use technology always. It is important to take time to self-reflect and enjoy your surroundings. The internet cannot recreate your emotions or tell you how you are feeling. You know yourself the best. Technology also has no emotions, people have emotions. So, it is important to communicate with people face to face.  


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