iexamin 1

 Gia Mercatili

Saturday September 26th

    I wake up around 8 AM per usual because most of the time I tend to wake up earlier than others. Even though I do wake up early I ended up just staying in bed til around 10:30 watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, looking at way too many Tik Toks, and FaceTiming my best friend Kaylin. After all that I decided to take a shower which usually takes way too long because singing in the shower is so much fun. At around 11:15ish I was done showering and got ready for my very exciting and eventful day. I knew that this day would be fun because I was gonna go shopping with a few of my friends. 

    By noon I had been on FaceTime with Kaylin again deciding which outfit to wear. Its kinda funny that we always choose the same outfits. I ended up wearing what we both had picked out. Yay!! My mom had called me downstairs to do some chores before leaving the house. They weren't too bad but still I was way more excited to go shopping. 

    After all chores had been done my three friends had picked me up, but they let me get shotgun because they know that I will get car sick if I sit in the back. Its around 2 o'clock now and we were finally on our way to our first stop which was one of my new addictions, Starbucks!! The line was wrapped around the building but we didn't really care, we just knew that we all wanted to get drinks there. Finally we pull up to the place where you order and we got 2 venti strawberry acaí refreshers and 2 venti Carmel ribbon crunch frappicinos. My friends Kyle and Aeden always make fun of Kaylin and I for the prices of the drinks but they ended up paying anyways. Chipotle was the next stop and we all got burritos except Kaylin because she is a very picky eater. 

    My absolute favorite place was the next destination which was the mall!! I have been told recently that I have a shopping addiction and although they may be right I still have fun. We went to a few different stores and I ended up buying a little too much. Around 5 PM we had gone to our local grocery store because we all decided that we wanted to make smores at Kyles later that day. I ended up buying an ice cream cake because it looked so good. 

    We got to Kyles house and all of us kinda just layed down because we were exhausted. At this time I decided that I could go without technology for an hour so I did. We began to play a game of pool which I lost because I am not too good at, but hey A for effort right? Kyle started a fire after that and we had smores and enjoyed each others company. I asked all of them if they would put there phones down for an hour and suprisingly they all agreed. We genuinely had a great time and hadn't picked up our phones for around 3 hours because the conversations between everyone just got too good. 

    By the time I had picked up my phone it was almost 12 AM and kaylins parents are kinda strict so I had to take her home. We all said our goodbyes and Kaylin and I drove off screaming to songs in the car. These times are by far my favorite times because you could just tell that we are both having a good time. I pull up to her house and we both said goodbye and then I left to get home. When I got home both of my parents were asleep but they left the porch light on which h was very sweet. I brushed my teeth and got changed for bed and just as I began the day I also ended it which watch Netflix and Tik Toks. As I was doing this I slowly fell asleep. 

    In the end I learned that I should focus on the things that are important in life. Not the apps on my phone that are such distractions in life. Spending quality time with a good group of people is very important to me because so many friends have wronged me in the past. I think from now on or at least every so often I am going to take a break from my phone. Just live in the moment.



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