Milton & soto / Kolvenbach

 Gia Mercatili

ENG 101

Dr. Ellis

September 23, 2020


                                Analysis of Milton & Soto / Kolvenbach      

        When I first read these three works I was a little bit confused with just what they were trying to get across to the reader. As I continued to read them a few more times the messages became a little more clear. I am not completely sure with what I was supposed to take away from reading those three works but  it does make you think. I feel that they each discussed different topics in unique ways that gets you thinking. 

        Reading Miltons "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent" I kinda got this dark and sad feeling to it. He even says, " Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide lodged with me useless".  I believe that he feels like he is useless in the world ever since he lost his sight and now he just waits for death. He feels that he cannot complete his service to god and that god will also not value him anymore. 

        Also while reading Sotos, " A Red Palm" I felt sadness radiating from Soto. He claims that you're in this dream where you need to work for every little thing. He regrets being a fool in school so he could provide a good life for his family;  that also has to work hours on end just to get enough money for a small amount of food.  The fact of the matter is that he took his education for granted and now has to pay for it. He is reminded every night of it when he goes to sleep, his red palm is blistering from the sun. 

           Finally, when reading, "The Service of Higher Faith and the Promotion of Justice in the American Jesuit Higher Education 2000", Kolvenbach discusses the prioritizion of service above self and obviously the jesuit faith. Teaching all of this requires and must take a lot of work. He also highlights that there will always be something to improve on and to look forward to in that long process. That really stuck out to me because in my daily life I always want to try to improve myself not just with faith. 



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