
Showing posts from October, 2020


 I read Frankenstein my junior year and I found it very interesting because growing up I had a very different interpretation of Frankenstein. The beginning of the story opens up with Victor Frankenstein describing his personal family life and where he came from. Victor Frankenstein lives with his parents Caroline and Alphonse in Genevra. Victor explains the relationship of his parents and how they met. Caroline is Victor's mother and when her father Beaufort passed away, his good friend Alphonse took responsibility for Caroline. This being said, Alphonse and Caroline end up marrying and they have Victor. When I first read this, I was very confused because this isn't a typical family situation especially because Caroline is so much younger than Alphonse. We also learn more about Victor himself and his social life along with his hobbies and his interest in philosophy/science. He watched a tree in his year get struck by lightning and this event is a small detail in the moment but

iExamen 2

  Well I learned that throughout the day if I start off in a good mood what I say to others is for the most part kind or useful. I know that this morning I woke up with a bad migraine and I looked outside and it was rainy and I was super tired. I decided to not go on my phone right away because I knew that if my head was hurting and someone texted me, my text would come off annoyed or angry. Throughout my day I really haven’t interacted with that many people, I dog walked twice during the day and I talked to the older lady and the people I passed by. Overall I didn’t think that my communication was that different except for at night when it was time to go to work. I work at a very small restaurant that has some policies that many customers don’t like. This being said, on a normal day there are always rude and mean customers. I told my co-workers that for English I had to only say kind, useful, and truthful words and they just laughed. I knew the minute I told them that they would laugh

iExamen 2 - Anaya Adams

  Friday October 16th, 2020 I chose this day to conduct the exercise of only speaking things that are kind, useful, and true. Since October 16th was fall break we did not have any classes this day and my friends and I planned a trip to Frederick, Maryland to visit a fall farm. It was really good to get out of the house and do something fun after a stressful week of midterms. I chose this day to do this because I though it would be more of an interesting challenge if I were around my friends from loyola who had also just finished up midterms rather than try when I’m at home with just my parents. The first thing I realized when trying to only say things that are kind, useful, and true is that not everything that is true is kind. I had to be  careful about what I said and this involved a lot of critical thinking on my part to alter my words. It was going well in the morning with my parents, I think part of the reason was because in the morning it’s just easy to be upbeat and kind. I a

IExamen 2

Doing this exercise on Tuesday was quite interesting. This time was a lot different because I didn’t leave my house and interact with anyone besides my family in person. It was much easier to stick to the rules when my interaction is limited.  Saying only what is useful is more difficult than it sounds, as every day we all say things that don’t have an important meaning. I feel like it was harder to talk as much. Over text, sometimes I and my friends make jokes that revolve around making fun of each other. I never mean any of the things, of course, as they are just jokes. But without being able to joke around like it takes away from what I say to them. Being nice and useful in every conversation is uplifting though. I feel it makes me more positive and optimistic. Social Media is a very toxic place. On big platforms, you will constantly hate everywhere every day. I don’t feel the need to spread hate on the internet, but many do. This activity would be good for them and help make

iExamen 2

     The day I chose to dedicate to observation for the iExamen 2 assignment was Saturday, October 17 th . I started the day by getting 3 hours of sleep and waking up to my alarm at 7 am. I had to get ready to go to work and leave the house by 7:50. While I was trying to get ready, my dad was awake and wandering around the house because he was bored already. He tried to talk to me as I scrambled to gather my belongings and fought to stay awake. Instead of acting annoyed and rude to him, I engaged in conversation and admired how he cared about my schedule for the day. This conversation, however, prevented me from eating breakfast and grabbing a water bottle for my 7-hour shift.        When I arrived at the brunch place I work at, I walked into the kitchen and noticed that my coworker, my cousin, was not there yet. I arrived 10 minutes early to start our shift and she ended up walking in 35 minutes late. In the morning on Saturdays, we are very busy filling to-go orders and serving peopl

iExamen 2

     I woke up on Saturday the 17th like any other Saturday and did my morning routine. I went downstairs to greet my parents and said, “good morning”. Depending on what side of the bed I wake up on I sometimes don’t greet them that way. As I sat with my parents and drank my coffee I stayed pretty quiet because I didn’t want to be grumpy or add my usual sassy comments. When I checked my social media, I saw pictures that my friends posted of themselves and I thought to myself “wow they look great!” On a usual day I would just like the picture and keep scrolling but instead I decided to comment and tell them how good they looked. I figured since they can’t hear my inner thoughts, I should tell them what I thought and maybe even brighten their day a little bit. I also made sure to comment on any happy birthday posts I saw. It takes very minimal effort to say happy birthday to someone and it could make their birthday a little extra special.  As I continued through my day, I noticed I wasn’

iExamen 2

  For this assignment, I picked a Saturday to analyze the way I communicate with others around me because I never truly thought about analyzing the way I talk to people. Since I usually do not have to worry about school on Saturdays, and also because I got to work in the morning, it was the best opportunity to apply the activity with my co-workers. I am a new member of the group still trying to get to know them all, even though I thought it would be weird applying the activity to them, I noticed that no matter how intimate you are with someone, being able to be nice and say things that you actually mean it can be very impactful in people’s lives in a good way. My dad has always said to me that all the positivity projected out there to the universe, one day it will come back at you in the same way. And for this activity, this concept was stuck in my head which inspired me to do this activity. I am pretty sure my co-workers thought I was super weird but, no doubt that they must have le

iExamen 2 - Bendu Kaba

As each class day goes by, I get to value and understand the significance of emotional intelligence. That understanding one’s self and one’s emotions can help facilitate our reactions. So, iExamen 2 was very insightful in seeing how others react to a more aware of reaction self. I completed my iExamen 2 on Saturday weekend with full motivation to try to be my best self. It is best to note I can be a little sarcastic or sometimes very blunt with my comments, as everyone who knows me understands that. Additionally, I like as little social interaction as much, but because of quarantine and Covid, I have wanted more social interaction. However, I usually have my phone on Do Not Disturb throughout the day. Not to be standoffish, but I am not a fan of being on the phone. This day, I told myself I would turn it off and be more open and receiving to everyone. To this little action, the reactions I received were the best. My sister is in college in Emmitsburg, so she does not always call, but


      This assignment for me was a little tough to do in some areas. I decided to observe my day on Sunday the 18th. I woke up around noon, which is very  unusual but I have been noticing that it was becoming a habait because I usually stay up singing the night before. Since I was trying to be useful and kind I decided to help my mother clean the house. Like the whole entire house. I really wasn't too excited at first but it ended up not being too bad. I then texted my best friend and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She said she was gonna be with her boyfriend which kinda made me sad but its okay. I was alright staying home and watching Glee. For some reason music tends to always boost my mood.      It was dinner time now and we were having steak. I am not too good at talking to my parents. I wish to be but its hard for me. While eating. we  actually had some really funny conversations and I really enjoyed that and wished it could be like this all the time. After dinner, I sho

iExamen 2: Lauren Bailey

      I thoroughly enjoyed doing this assignment. I think it is always a good practice to become super hyper-aware of your own actions, words, thoughts, etc. Too often we grow numb to even our own words, and we forget that our actions have consequences. I must admit, it is sometimes harder to be nice when you are actively trying to be uplighting and kind. For me, the majority of the time it comes naturally to me. However, it was fascinating to learn what my "go-to" kind actions are. I learned a lot about myself in this process.      First, I learned that kindness does not always have to be directed at other people to "count." During the day, I learned to appreciate self-directed kindness. When I first wake up in the morning, I drink a bottle of water and get ready for my run and workout. It is small things like stretching, listening to my favorite song, saying encouraging things to myself, spending time in the Word, and drinking water that prepare my mind and body f

IExamen 2

  What surprised me the most about my self-observation was the fact that it was not as hard as I thought it would be to say something kind only when it was necessary along with saying something true and useful. This experiment, maybe I should call it an experience that enabled me to be aware of the words that I take for granted, which was fun. This experience made me aware of how to use kind words, say something useful and true before communicating using any kind of way. Throughout the day, I kept on asking myself these questions to keep this experience going. These meetings allowed me not only to find the necessary stuff to say but also to see how different people reacted. Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, I found myself questioning, meaning I was conscious and mindful of the words I chose and sometimes refrained to say something while taking into consideration other people's feelings. Saying that I was mindful all day long, that will be a lie. Well, there were times where I fo

iExamine #2

  This iExamine was an interesting concept for someone who doesn’t think much of what they’re saying, but for me it wasn’t anything new. My life has already thought me through the lesson of watching what you say and that words have weight. The only way for me to truly learn in life is to make mistakes so of course in the past I’ve said things that hurt peoples feelings or said something that I thought was nice but it actually hurt someone. When I hurt someone by what I said it was never my intentions so that made me really cautious of everything I said. I try to learn my lesson from these mistakes so I can become a better person.  Learning a lesson is great but it means nothing if you don’t implement what you learned into your daily life so it’s definitely something that’s on my radar everyday and this assignment felt familiar. I work behind the register in a popular furniture store and I thought it was interesting how they train us to interact with customers. They teach us to descale

iExamen 2-Robbie Beach

For this assignment, it was hard for me to get results. Not bragging or anything but I am always kind, useful , and true lol. Although my emotions might get the better of me at times, I am always still useful and true  (it takes a lot to make me angry).  So,  most responses I got to my actions or languages are skewed in a way of people hearing  f rom me not what  I am saying.    I am very bad at texting. Usually, I only text people if  I need something or they text me first. So, after high school when we went our separate ways most people did not stay in contact with me. So ,  after readi ng this assignment I picked up my phone and texted many of my old friends from high school. All the responses were typical “How are you ”, “How’s school going”, etc.  I can’t go see anyone since all my friends go to college out of state.   The texting didn’t go as I hoped so I went to get lunch at a  fast-food  place. I was in the drive-thru  at McDonald's when I decided to pay for the person behi

iExamen 2 - Ainsley Jodlbauer

  I really do love these iExamen pieces that we get to do because it makes me stop and really live a day in my life; staying aware throughout the entire day. I feel as though I learn so many different things about myself and others during these times. For this one, I was asked to say only what is kind, useful, and true. This task I found to be much harder than the first one, however not because I am a mean individual, but my personality is very sarcastic. I chose to do this on Saturday October 17th as I did the last one because it again would be around those I most care about.  My communication was definitely different then how I would normally go throughout my day. I have been known to speak without first thinking what I am going to say, but today wasn’t that. My conversations I had with people tended to be longer because of my need to think before I responded to someone. I felt as though with this, I had more engaging conversations that were more meaningful than usual ones I may

iExamen 2 - Leonidas Tsirigotis

  Leonidas  Tsirigotis   October 17 th , 2020     10:00 Am -    I woke up at 10 am and went for a run for half an hou r. I did not int eract with anyone during this time. Just me, my sneakers and my headphones.   10:45 Am -   I return home and greeted by my sister and  asked how my run was. I reply with “ it was  great, made a new record time, how are you?”   She thanked me and she said she was tired.   11:30 Am -   At this point, I have taken a shower, prepped myself for the day and went to the kitchen. Still, no interaction has been established yet.  I made an egg  omelet , per  my daily lunch meal. My mother walks in  and asks how my day was, I responded with “it is kind to me”. She responds with “good”.   12:00 – 1:00 Pm -   I strictly worked on homework during this time.  All  my energy was placed on focusing on work.   2:00  - 4:00 Pm -   My father asked if I would like to go out for a drive and to look at some stores. I  responded,   “I  would love to, let’s go  wherever  you wa