iExamen 2

    I woke up on Saturday the 17th like any other Saturday and did my morning routine. I went downstairs to greet my parents and said, “good morning”. Depending on what side of the bed I wake up on I sometimes don’t greet them that way. As I sat with my parents and drank my coffee I stayed pretty quiet because I didn’t want to be grumpy or add my usual sassy comments.

When I checked my social media, I saw pictures that my friends posted of themselves and I thought to myself “wow they look great!” On a usual day I would just like the picture and keep scrolling but instead I decided to comment and tell them how good they looked. I figured since they can’t hear my inner thoughts, I should tell them what I thought and maybe even brighten their day a little bit. I also made sure to comment on any happy birthday posts I saw. It takes very minimal effort to say happy birthday to someone and it could make their birthday a little extra special. 

As I continued through my day, I noticed I wasn’t making as many jokes as I usually do. I never intentionally make rude or mean jokes about anyone, but I know I always make little digs at my mom. I am never mean or rude to her, I just like to tease her about the random comments she makes throughout the day. This made me realize that I should really think about my sense of humor and make sure that when I crack a joke it won’t be taken in the wrong way. I wouldn’t say I have a rude sense of humor, but after this experience I definetley need to take a step back a look at the way I make my jokes. 

Although my jokes were cut down for the day, I felt my communication level remained the same. However, I did have to stop my inner monologue a couple of times and think to myself “Hey that’s rude” or “That’s not nice. Take that thought back”. I try to be as nice as I can and I would never say anything rude to someone intentionally, but it doesn’t help anyone if I say it to myself. I realized I do this a lot after zoom classes later in the evening. I will shut my computer after a frustrating class, usually let out a scream, and say, “that was stupid” or “I hate this”. I don’t actually mean it half the time so why should I even say it? It doesn’t do anyone any good and other people have it a lot worse than I do.  

Overall, I felt that this experience was very eye opening. I need to really look at the jokes I make and see if they could be rude in any way. I also need to control my thoughts more because even though they aren’t being said there is no good coming from me thinking them. There is no reason to be rude or negative to others, especially in the times we are living in right now. I think it is really important to only bring kindness and positivity to others because we don’t know what they are going through. After completing this experience, I will definetley try to be more mindful of how I communicate with others.


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