iExamen 2

 Well I learned that throughout the day if I start off in a good mood what I say to others is for the most part kind or useful. I know that this morning I woke up with a bad migraine and I looked outside and it was rainy and I was super tired. I decided to not go on my phone right away because I knew that if my head was hurting and someone texted me, my text would come off annoyed or angry. Throughout my day I really haven’t interacted with that many people, I dog walked twice during the day and I talked to the older lady and the people I passed by. Overall I didn’t think that my communication was that different except for at night when it was time to go to work. I work at a very small restaurant that has some policies that many customers don’t like. This being said, on a normal day there are always rude and mean customers. I told my co-workers that for English I had to only say kind, useful, and truthful words and they just laughed. I knew the minute I told them that they would laugh. One thing I have learned when working at a restaurant is that you have to put on a smile and try to be nice to everyone. However, some days it is very hard not to get mad when a customer is being rude and you have to be stern. One takeaway that I got from only using kind, true, and useful language is that just because you are nice to somebody does not mean that they will reciprocate the same way. Overall, I noticed that I really tend to be a happy person and when I do say something that could be rude I am instantly aware of it and I recognize it. Another thing is that if people are getting mad and you don’t feed into their energy they get more angry. Also I noticed that so much of what I see on social media is people getting mad about something. I know personally that if I want to be use more kind words that I need to surround myself with people that also feel this way. I think it showed me that there is a lot of anger in the world and that you have to focus on the energy you give off despite how others may act. I know we talked in class about the one thing you can control is how you respond to a situation. When I thought about my night at work, I know that I didn’t like being yelled at by a customer who was angry about something that I had no control over, but I just tried to be honest with them and apologize letting them know that I was sorry and if there was something I could do I would have. This whole experience definitely made me take a step back in situations that I didn't have any control over and just tried to keep a positive /happy attitude. 


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