iExamine #2


This iExamine was an interesting concept for someone who doesn’t think much of what they’re saying, but for me it wasn’t anything new. My life has already thought me through the lesson of watching what you say and that words have weight. The only way for me to truly learn in life is to make mistakes so of course in the past I’ve said things that hurt peoples feelings or said something that I thought was nice but it actually hurt someone. When I hurt someone by what I said it was never my intentions so that made me really cautious of everything I said. I try to learn my lesson from these mistakes so I can become a better person.  Learning a lesson is great but it means nothing if you don’t implement what you learned into your daily life so it’s definitely something that’s on my radar everyday and this assignment felt familiar.

I work behind the register in a popular furniture store and I thought it was interesting how they train us to interact with customers. They teach us to descale situations where a customer may have a bad attitude. We have to say things like “i’m sorry about that” and “is there anything else I can help you with”. Ive been told that I naturally have a calming presence and I’m just good at handling these intense situations. 

Today there was a really difficult customer that came in but she was a regular. Every time she comes in she has an attitude and a really short patience. Today she had two carts; one full with glass pumpkin decorations and the other fill with pillows and blankets, and I happened to be her cashier. 

With glass decorations we have to wrap each individually and she wanted me to double bag each one. I never seen someone buy literally a cart full of the same glass object. It was like the math problems that go “Sam bought 30 watermelons…” but in real life.

     Somehow Im naturally good at handling people like this and honestly I don’t know how I have the kindness and patience with them, it’s just natural and I don’t have to think about it much. It’s like my brain goes on autopilot when Im speaking to customers and it makes everything I say sound chipper and nice. Of course there were complications with me ringing up her stuff where I had to call other associates over to help and after she left, both my managers were really impressed with how well I handled it because they both happen to be behind the register when it happened. The other cashiers were like “I could never be that calm”.

To me I didn’t really see anything special that I did at the time, she was just another customer to me, but in hindsight in combination with the other interactions I’ve had there, it made me realize that being helpful and nice to people actually is kind of a gift that I have. 




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