iExamen 2 - Leonidas Tsirigotis

 Leonidas Tsirigotis 

October 17th, 2020 


10:00 Am -  

I woke up at 10 am and went for a run for half an hour. I did not interact with anyone during this time. Just me, my sneakers and my headphones. 

10:45 Am - 

I return home and greeted by my sister and asked how my run was. I reply with “it was great, made a new record time, how are you?” 

She thanked me and she said she was tired. 

11:30 Am - 

At this point, I have taken a shower, prepped myself for the day and went to the kitchen. Still, no interaction has been established yet. I made an egg omelet, per my daily lunch meal. My mother walks in and asks how my day was, I responded with “it is kind to me”. She responds with “good”. 

12:00 – 1:00 Pm - 

I strictly worked on homework during this time. All my energy was placed on focusing on work. 

2:00 - 4:00 Pm- 

My father asked if I would like to go out for a drive and to look at some stores. I responded, “I would love to, let’s go wherever you want to, dad.” We went to some of the places he likes, such as Microcenter, The Apple Store and then Five Guys. I told him at Five Guys “thank you for spending time with me, dad”. He replied with “of course, son”.  

5:00 –7:30 Pm- 

I went to my grandmother’s house to fix some things, such as new string lights she wanted installed outside, fixing the chicken coop, fixing her iPad and computer. My family was over at her house too to talk to her and to eat dinner while I worked on repairs. When I spoke to my grandmother, I spoke to her as any other normal day. I told her “I love you” and fixed things not because I had to but because I wanted to. 

9:00 – 11:30 Pm: 

My family went home and we went our separate ways, my sisters were off doing homework, my mom took the dog for a walk and my dad was on an international conference call. I went to bed early and just relaxed. Watched a bit of a show and then went to bed. 


My overall experience with this experiment was interesting. For the first time in a while I was well aware of what I was saying and, in some cases, thinking before I spoke. This was a good challenge of first analyzing what someone says to you, thinking of an appropriate response and then answering in the appropriate manner. For many people, this is an after thought or not a skill at all, and I should not be hypocritical at this either. I definitely was not as aware of how I would say things before this project, and now, I can’t stop thinking in a different tone or word choice. This iExamen has definitely been an interesting venture on human interaction from my point of view. It puts into perspective how many people in the world should follow this type of a project for a day and see how it goes/changes their human interaction skills. 


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