iExamen 2

    The day I chose to dedicate to observation for the iExamen 2 assignment was Saturday, October 17th. I started the day by getting 3 hours of sleep and waking up to my alarm at 7 am. I had to get ready to go to work and leave the house by 7:50. While I was trying to get ready, my dad was awake and wandering around the house because he was bored already. He tried to talk to me as I scrambled to gather my belongings and fought to stay awake. Instead of acting annoyed and rude to him, I engaged in conversation and admired how he cared about my schedule for the day. This conversation, however, prevented me from eating breakfast and grabbing a water bottle for my 7-hour shift. 

    When I arrived at the brunch place I work at, I walked into the kitchen and noticed that my coworker, my cousin, was not there yet. I arrived 10 minutes early to start our shift and she ended up walking in 35 minutes late. In the morning on Saturdays, we are very busy filling to-go orders and serving people in person and it was very difficult to effectively do so without another set of hands. Even though she showed up late and did not tell anyone ahead of time, I did not hold it against her. Accidents happen and people oversleep their alarms all of the time. I did not feel the need to be angry with her. I just moved on and continued to fill orders for the rest of the shift with her.

    After my shift was over, I met my friends Maddie and Sadie for lunch at a local shop at 3:30 pm. Since I skipped breakfast before work, I had not eaten since 5 pm the previous night. As we waited for our food, my two friends complained to each other about how it took so long for them to make our food, but I remained silent. After working that morning serving food to customers, I got to see what goes into preparing food behind the scenes. As much as I wanted to complain, I decided not to because it was a superficial issue that would not be solved with complaints. 

    I drove to my friend Sadie’s house after eating lunch with her and Maddie so that we would get ready for Maddie’s birthday party. After Sadie got ready at her house, I took us to my house so that I could get dressed and grab my stuff to sleepover Maddie’s house. Sadie and I were running late and when we pulled into the spot in front of my house, I said to her, “The issue is not going to be that I can’t get ready in time. It will be that my mom will not stop talking to us when we get inside.” With no surprise, the second I walked into my room with Sadie my mom followed us in and began talking to us for over 20 minutes. I started to get agitated but refused to say anything. When she walked out, I released a deep breath and calmed myself down before saying anything I would regret. Normally, I would snap at my mom with an attitude; however, this time I ignored it and let her do what she wanted. 

    Right before we were about to leave, I got a call from my friend Aidan saying that he needed me to drive him and my friends Henry and Matt to Maddie’s house. This threw me off schedule, but I willingly showed up at each of their houses and picked them up for the party. It took me an extra 30 minutes to do so, but I did not complain. I knew that they would do the same for me so there was no point in getting upset because we all were able to have fun together that night. 
    After observing my communication with everyone for the day I set aside to say only what is kind, useful, and true, I realized that my communication was not very different than usual. I am normally very aware of how what I am saying to others will affect them, so I always choose my words carefully. I know how it feels to be treated poorly by other people every day, but I do not let this turn me into a bitter person. It motivates me to make sure I treat everyone with the most kindness that I can. I also know what it feels like to battle mental health daily and how helpful one kind person can affect your entire day. Because of this mindset I normally keep, I did not notice a difference in the way I communicate with others in every situation. This suggests that I normally communicate with what is kind, useful, and true. I am proud of the way I act in my daily life because I know that I am acting in ways that follow my morals and ways that will make others feel good. Going into this assignment, I instantly loved the idea of saying only what is kind, useful, and true. It brings awareness to how we treat people on a daily basis. Communicating along these lines helps me to remember how to treat people with respect. Before this assignment, I knew exactly how my friend Aidan was going to respond to it. He did not believe that I could successfully go an entire day without making fun of him; however, he was wrong. We normally tease each other about little things or get in small pointless fights, but this assignment prevented all of that for a full 24 hours. After completing this project, I became aware of how my interactions with people could brighten their day. From waving to customers at work to complimenting my friend’s new hair color, I was aware of how I affected people. I enjoyed this assignment because it brings light to the positive interactions in our daily life and encourages us to act with positivity throughout every aspect of our day.


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