iExamen 2-Robbie Beach

For this assignment, it was hard for me to get results. Not bragging or anything but I am always kind, useful, and true lol. Although my emotions might get the better of me at times, I am always still useful and true (it takes a lot to make me angry). So, most responses I got to my actions or languages are skewed in a way of people hearing from me not what I am saying.  

I am very bad at texting. Usually, I only text people if I need something or they text me first. So, after high school when we went our separate ways most people did not stay in contact with me. So, after reading this assignment I picked up my phone and texted many of my old friends from high school. All the responses were typical “How are you”, “How’s school going”, etc. I can’t go see anyone since all my friends go to college out of state. 

The texting didn’t go as I hoped so I went to get lunch at a fast-food place. I was in the drive-thru at McDonald's when I decided to pay for the person behind me. This is something I do often because it is a little thing that can make someone's day, plus I like to see how people react. It was nice and heartwarming to see the person go to hand over their money only to be told they don’t need to pay. The person behind me smiled and waved thank you. 

Now one of my best friends from high school still are very close. So, he called me up because he was having relationship problems with his girlfriend. It is no surprise if I am honest, that is how I am, I don’t sugar coat it, I call it as I see it. That’s one thing that makes my friends respect me and come to me for help because I will tell them the truth or how I view it without holding back. And although the truth might not be nice it is at the same time. I am helping by addressing the problem and helping without beating around the bushes. I think being honest is one of the nicest things in a relationship. After doing this assignment I didn’t learn much from what I don’t already know.  


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