iExamen 2: Lauren Bailey

     I thoroughly enjoyed doing this assignment. I think it is always a good practice to become super hyper-aware of your own actions, words, thoughts, etc. Too often we grow numb to even our own words, and we forget that our actions have consequences. I must admit, it is sometimes harder to be nice when you are actively trying to be uplighting and kind. For me, the majority of the time it comes naturally to me. However, it was fascinating to learn what my "go-to" kind actions are. I learned a lot about myself in this process. 

    First, I learned that kindness does not always have to be directed at other people to "count." During the day, I learned to appreciate self-directed kindness. When I first wake up in the morning, I drink a bottle of water and get ready for my run and workout. It is small things like stretching, listening to my favorite song, saying encouraging things to myself, spending time in the Word, and drinking water that prepare my mind and body for the day and puts me in a good mood. This is the first act of kindness. I learned that my automatic act of kindness and showing love and appreciation for someone is doing acts of service. For me, that has taken its form in cleaning up the house or doing the laundry for my family, or packing my siblings' lunches the night before school. This is a way I show appreciation for the people I care about. Throughout this assignment, I noticed that I do a good job at reaching out to people and checking in on them. Even though most of my friends are gone at school, I still take the time to call them and talk to them and make sure that they feel heard and loved by me. 

    Growing up, starting at a very young age, my mama taught me three standards to uphold whenever I was about to say anything, and they are these questions: Is it kind, is it true, and is it necessary? The second part of this assignment, is it useful, was very interesting to me. This is a big thing for me. Communication is a huge part of human life, so I try to be intentional about the things I say. 

    Finally, throughout the day, I noticed how so many things people say are not true, especially on social media. I think too often people in our culture get swept away with this common phrase "what is true for you is not true for me," they are latched onto this idea that truth is subjective. I firmly disagree, and I was able to observe this fact by looking at what kinds of things people said primarily on social media outlets. I try to live my life in such a way, that integrity and truth is a marked part of who I am, this includes the things I say on and off social media. It is easy to construct lies about yourself in order to make yourself look better. I am very much guilty of this and my pride is something I am working on. However, this assignment re-encouraged me to root myself in the kind, the useful, and the true. Life is so much more pleasant and full when focused on those three things. 


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