
     This assignment for me was a little tough to do in some areas. I decided to observe my day on Sunday the 18th. I woke up around noon, which is very unusual but I have been noticing that it was becoming a habait because I usually stay up singing the night before. Since I was trying to be useful and kind I decided to help my mother clean the house. Like the whole entire house. I really wasn't too excited at first but it ended up not being too bad. I then texted my best friend and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She said she was gonna be with her boyfriend which kinda made me sad but its okay. I was alright staying home and watching Glee. For some reason music tends to always boost my mood. 

    It was dinner time now and we were having steak. I am not too good at talking to my parents. I wish to be but its hard for me. While eating. we actually had some really funny conversations and I really enjoyed that and wished it could be like this all the time. After dinner, I showered and got ready for bed. Recently, I have been a little sad at night. I decided to text my old best friend and just tell her that I miss her. We haven't talked since she left me at my own birthday in august.  She kinda seemed mad and that hurt a little. I genuinely like to think that I am a nice person and sometimes I feel that people just tend to walk over me. I simply just ended our conversation by saying," I am so sorry for whatever I have done and thank you for being my best friend". 

    I know that this assignment wasn't really supposed to be sad, but we were supposed to explain our day. I guess I thought things would play out differently.  I did learn that maybe if you are nice to someone, they will be nice to you in return. In my case, that's not quite how it played out. 



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