iExamen 2


For this assignment, I picked a Saturday to analyze the way I communicate with others around me because I never truly thought about analyzing the way I talk to people. Since I usually do not have to worry about school on Saturdays, and also because I got to work in the morning, it was the best opportunity to apply the activity with my co-workers. I am a new member of the group still trying to get to know them all, even though I thought it would be weird applying the activity to them, I noticed that no matter how intimate you are with someone, being able to be nice and say things that you actually mean it can be very impactful in people’s lives in a good way.

My dad has always said to me that all the positivity projected out there to the universe, one day it will come back at you in the same way. And for this activity, this concept was stuck in my head which inspired me to do this activity. I am pretty sure my co-workers thought I was super weird but, no doubt that they must have left work with this good feeling about themselves and excited for the rest of the day. For sure this is different from the way I usually communicate with people, even more with people I barely know because I consider me a shy person before becoming friends. My relationship with my friends is always making fun and jokes with each other, always making sure to not hurt anyone’s feelings though.

My friends obviously did not understand the reason why I was being so nice and kind, and I am not saying that I am not kind and nice to my friends but as I said, I guess that being goofy and playing with each other is our way to demonstrate how we care. Also, trying to be nice and kind all the time is a little bit difficult because there will always be something that will make you irritated and annoyed, and you may not realize but you happen to dump all of it on someone else that has nothing to do with it. Certainly, the activity helped me to not stress as much for stupid reasons, which made me think twice before saying what comes first in my head. Consequently, this leads back to the concept I mentioned before, being able to spread good things out to the world and to people, made myself feel better as well. I realized that life, in general, feels so much more comfortable and pleasant for me and other people.


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