Wordsworth & Bolen

             In the poem “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth describes the beauty of nature. He starts the poem by describing how he found a patch of the most beautiful daffodils. Throughout the poem Wordsworth describes the “golden daffodils” and how they “danced” in the breeze. Wordsworth compares the flowers to the beauty of the bay next to them, but the bay cannot compare. Wordsworth then says “A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company” when describing how happy the daffodils made him. At the end of his poem, Wordsworth describes the memory of the daffodils as a “bliss of solitude”. This shows the calming effect the beauty of nature has on humans.

The poem “Quarantine” by Eaven Bolen describes the unconditional love between two people. Bolen tells the story of a couple who sets out on a journey in through the night and are found dead the next morning. The wife was sick and the husband carried her so she could keep up. The husband also held his wife’s feet to keep her warm while the “heat of his flesh was his last gift to her”. This shows how strong the couples love is for each other and how powerful love is. I feel that this poem really showed the “in sickness and in health” vow that is made in marriage. Bolen ends the poem with the line “And in which darkness it can best be proved”. I feel that this perfectly encapsulates the strength of love between two people. That even in the darkest of times love always shines through. 


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