Wordsworth and Bolen


These two poems are talking about the theme of nature and how it is important to humanity. In the poem “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud: he starts off by listing the beautiful things regarding nature and flowers, and the galaxy and milky ways that are outside of Earth. He says “but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought:” he says that he did realize how the beauty of all the things he just described had such a positive impact on his life. When he’s at home and is doing nothing, just the thought of nature makes him feel at peace and this shows that nature is essential to his life. 


In the poem Quarentine the tone is very sad and it talks about the death of a man and women. The woman was sick and the man was trying to carry her back, but they both end up freezing to death. Since the poem is called “quarentine” the nature references like the “seasons” and “winter” could be a metaphor for the condition that the world is in right now. The temperature is cold but in addition to that, life is very cold and sad because we can not go outside like we use to. The quote at the end “And what there is between a man and woman. And in which darkness it can best be proved.” I think is saying that you’ll never know the bond two people have until you’re down to the last wire and its either life or death. Right now the only thing that matters is love and our health and all the superficial things in life should be the least of our concerns.


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