Wordsworth and Bolen

 I really liked William Wordsworth's, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" poem because it was really easy to connect to my life. In numerous classes the idea of nature and human relationship has been brought up. This poem in particular made me think of the class period where we talked about the fact that people need nature as much as we need it. This poem goes to show that nature has a huge impact on humanity. Wordsworth describes what he saw and felt when he looked at the nature and the little things around him like the daffodils. In the larger picture, daffodils are just a small part of nature but there is such beauty in them. Another theme in the poem that connects to the title is being lonely in nature. The author orginally makes it seem like he feels alone in an open field but really he isn't alone because he is surrounded by nature. I know being alone in nature makes me feel more connected to myself and in a sense I feel grounded. The silence of nature or the noises that it makes really make you stop and think. The last few lines, "For oft, when on my couch I lie, In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye. Which is bliss of solitude;..." are easy to imagine. Sitting on a couch, the world is moving fast around you, but when you are sitting in solitude, images of nature cloud your mind. I know when I am dazing off or thinking of other things my mind always wanders to nature. Nature holds a huge spot in my world because of the effect that it has on me. To tie in the second poem, "Quarantine", this poem looks at how people learn to love harder in tough situations. This one really describes what our life has been in the past few months and I know that personally it has made me not only love others more but also myself. Quarantine forced people to really become at peace with their thoughts because we were inside so much. I know that when I was laying in bed for hours on end it really made me think about life in general, more than usually. I really like this poem because it shed light on the fact that there was so much negativity in the world but it made people dig deeper into themselves to find the importance of love and caring for others. There will always be some form of hate in the world but I think overall people have learned the importance of caring for one another because life is short and each day brings new challenges. 



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