Wordsworth and Bolen

In “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” by William Wordsworth, he discusses the relationship between society and nature, as well as the joy nature, can bring us. “I wandered lonely as a cloud.” Being alone is scary and the author points out how joy can be found alone. The daffodils, trees, stars, and everything in between brought him happiness. Whenever he feels sad and vacant, he would go to nature as a source of uplifting joy. This is important for everyone to have an outlet that brings in joy in times of sadness. 

“Quarantine” by Eaven Bolen speaks on two lovers dealing with tragedy and how that indicates if their love is true. “And what there is between a man and a woman. And in which darkness it can best be proved.” As said here, true love can make it through all the darkness. The poem represents true love, and how it takes two unselfish people for it to work. Love has its limits, but true love doesn’t. 


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