
The poem Chameleon by Waqar and Adam is brilliantly designed and executed. Reading the poem is one thing but then listening to it unlocks another part of you that not only feels bad for them but for yourself. To me this poem big message is about racism and diversity is America, “Am I African American or the other way around?” but I think that overshadows other topics such as LGBTQ+ and mental illness due to the BLM movement that is happening across the US. With that being said I hope this poem does not get buried after BLM and everything dies down, since it brings up so many great topics. 

I love the metaphor of using a chameleon. It works two ways as person in disguise or problems in disguised. For problems to be disguised, the chameleon can represent depression and hides on the person or constantly around the person. The chameleon acting as a human can be a white person sticking out in an area where the population or community majority is African Americans. One of my favorite lines from the poem is when they go through the rainbow spectrum colors then say, “Which one are we? Maybe we are a mix, maybe we are many, maybe we are one.” This shows that you can be a chameleon with many different colors, you aren’t just permanently one color. This shows how diverse a person can be and also shows the LGBTQ+ community coming together to form love.  


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