Leonidas Tsirigotis - Blog

 I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud is an interesting poem regarding the feeling someone has as they are in search of something. The whole experience of being a cloud wandering is described through deep imagery and positive attitudes. There's not a single negative connotation in this poem which is always welcomed and nice. The poem attempts to use (I believe it it called sensory imagery) to make the reader feel something as they are reading the descriptive details. For example "Which is the bliss of solitude" is a good quote to describe a pure feeling of happiness. It seems like Wordsworth is in a trance of happiness as what nature would be. He makes a couple of references to space, which is an analogy for the vastness of never ending opportunities and life.

I thought Quarantine would be about Coronavirus. It was not. Thankfully not. But regardless, this was a pretty depressing poem where in the end the couple die. They die together but still its definitely an opposite side from the last poem. The things I could pull from this poem are that even in the worst situation, the couple still loved each other and held on until (literally) the very end. The quote "the last heat of his flesh was his last gift to her" is a very strong sentence to provide imagery about the love they had for each other and how selfless he was. Because this is a love poem, the author discloses "Let no love poem ever come to this threshold", meaning, no love poem could ever top Quarantine, as it is the epidemy of love poems.


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