
     "I Wonder Lonely as a Cloud", to me is a poem involving nature and humans. The author seems to be upset and sad. They unraval this world that deals with humans connecting with nature. I feel like the poem is trying to tell us to appreciate this world and all the nature you can. It can boost your moods and make you feel less lonely. I can definatly agree with that. When going out for a long drive with my friend in the country, it make us both feel less anxious and a lot more calm. We have a sense of connection with nature.

     When first reading the title "Quarantine", my first thought was,"this is definitely about Covid". I was wrong. It turned out to be this quite saddening poem about this couple dying. They seemed liked they loved each other dearly and kept holding on to each other til the end. I think that this poem also deals with nature. It can be harmful. 


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