The poem “The Church
of Michael Jordan” by Jeffrey McDaniel is a work that makes the connection to
the game of basketball and also, the connection which players have with God. It
alludes to the idea of praying to God’s open arms in order to ask for success for great things to come in your way and
be thankful for receiving the talent of playing the sport and having the ability to do what others cannot, Michael obviously knew he was special. I like the part it says “Once during an interview I slipped, I didn’t
pray well tonight, and the reporter looked at me, the same one who’d called
me a baller of destiny, and said you mean play, right? Of course, I nodded.
Don’t misunderstand—I’m no reverend of the flesh.” because of it kind of shows a
side that people, just like the reporter, do not always believe or are aware of
the importance to an athlete. And by saying, “I slipped” it gives me the idea
that this is usually an intimate part of the athlete that is often not shared with others. As
an overall, I can relate the poem to how I also pray to God before my games but, most importantly, the idea that God is responsible for doing great things, and making what seems to be not possible to turn out to be possible as long as you keep looking for him and believing.
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