Wordsworth and Bolen works

 Ainsley Jodlbauer



18 November 2020

“Quarantine” dives into a love that isn’t some type of “love story” that most authors write about. Bolen tells a story of a couple heading north, on foot, in order to escape the Irish potato famine. During this detrimental journey Bolen states that the man's wife has already fallen sick of famine, and was too weak to keep up with her husband. While we see the man became aware of their inability to make it, he decided to carry his wife on his back for as far as he could go. He chose to attempt to save her despite the pain he was putting himself through. They both ended up passing during their journey, but the author points out that the man's last gift of love he gave to her was his remaining warmth. Bolen introduces love in a dark sense, but not in a way where he portrays love as evil. He expresses the strength love is between people during the darkest points in their life. He stresses the point that even when life may be leading to an end, their love was the last thing to die with them. While most writers express love as happiness, Bolen showcases the importance that love is there during the most difficult times in life as well; where sacrifices must be made. His overall message to his readers is that love always remains through any points in one's lifetime.

The “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud” highlights the relationship between humanity and the nature surrounding us; a common theme we have discussed throughout this semester. Wordsworth paints a picture for his readers of an experience he has with nature using strong personification throughout this poem. He uses this literary device to fully engage his reader, enabling them to feel what he had. This use of personification also brings the distance between humans and nature closer together. Throughout his experience he talks about how he didn’t realize the effect that nature had on him until he later reflected on this memory. However, he isn’t sad about the fact he had missed this connection with nature, more so optimistic that he was able to recognize the beauty at all. This poem further expresses the importance of admiring nature and taking in the beauty we are engulfed in. 


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