Megan- Wordsworth and Bolen

In “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud,” Wordsworth highlights the relationship between nature and humanity. Wordsworth describes an experience he has with nature in the first person throughout this poem. He walks past an abundance of daffodils and admires them; however, he did not realize the effect they had on him until after reflecting on his time. He feels deep joy and describes his experience in nature with an optimistic tone. This poem adds to the list of pieces we have read that shows how nature and humans coexist and how nature instills happiness in humanity.

In the poem “Quarantine,” Bolen describes an aspect of love that does not normally receive recognition in literary pieces. Bolen tells the story of a man and wife traveling north to escape the Irish potato famine. His wife had fallen sick of famine fever and he had to take care of her on the journey. The man knew that they were going to be unsuccessful in journeying north; however, he decided to die trying anyway. The man died trying to care for his wife by giving her the rest of his warmth. He showcases his love for his wife by giving him all he had left. This description of a romantic relationship highlights the dark sacrifices of love that must be made in extreme circumstances. These sacrifices of love show an intense depth of love that not many people focus on. Although love will always conquer all, it does not always exist as a glorious and beautiful thing. Love must persist throughout bad times as well as the good ones. 


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